Effortless Mail-in Recycling Solutions in Tulsa

Hey Tulsa, ever thought about how you can make a difference to our planet while decluttering your space? It's as simple as recycling – specifically, mail-in recycling. So, grab a cup of your favorite coffee, and let's dive into the world of hassle-free recycling from the comfort of your home.

What is Mail-in Recycling?

Mail-in recycling is exactly what it sounds like – you mail in items that you don't need anymore, and they get recycled. No need to leave your house or find a local recycling center. It's an effortless way to handle items like your old electronics, which contains materials that should never end up in a landfill.

The Benefits of Mail-in Recycling

When you opt for mail-in recycling, you're taking a big step towards preserving our environment. You're also saying yes to convenience, and who doesn't love that? Plus, it's a secure way to ensure your personal data doesn't fall into the wrong hands thanks to services like data wiping.

Mail-in Recycling Near Me?

Yes! We provide Mail-in Recycling Services near you! At STS Electronic Recycling, we're your local heroes turning your trash into treasure in Tulsa. Whether it's electronics recycling or surplus inventory liquidation, we've got you covered.

How Mail-in Recycling Works

Think of mail-in recycling like sending a letter, but instead, you're sending items to get recycled. You pack them up, ship them off, and we take care of the rest. It's a pick pack ship process that's efficient and eco-friendly.

Recycle Your Electronics Safely

Electronics recycling is crucial because gadgets contain harmful substances. Sending them to us means they're handled the right way. Plus, we offer data wiping to protect your personal info.

Don't Just Recycle, Liquidate Surplus Inventory

If you're a business with extra stock lying around, consider surplus inventory liquidation. It frees up space, and depending on the items, it can be an extra source of income or a tax deduction.

Full Transparency Every Step of the Way

With STS Electronic Recycling, you get asset reporting. This means you'll know exactly how your items are managed and recycled. It's all about trust and transparency.

Manage Your End of Life Assets

End of life asset management might sound serious, because it is. It's making sure that the last phase of your electronics is handled with care and responsibility.

So there you have it, folks! Recycling from your own home, without any extra effort, all thanks to mail-in services. And remember, STS Electronic Recycling is always here in Tulsa to help you with all your recycling needs. We turn that pile of old tech into recycled bliss and give you peace of mind with our secure data wiping services.

Keeping Tulsa beautiful is part of our mission. We make sure that recyclables are properly dealt with, so our community stays clean and vibrant. It's not just about getting rid of stuff; it's about taking care of our city and our planet.

We know change can be tough, but when it's as easy as mailing in your recyclables, there's no excuse not to get involved. STS Electronic Recycling is your go-to place for all things recycling in Tulsa. Don't let those unwanted items sit around collecting dust – send them to us, and we'll make sure they're handled with the care our earth deserves.

Remember, eco-friendly practices can be as simple as mailing an envelope. And in Tulsa, STS Electronic Recycling is your trusted partner in making the world a bit greener, one mailed package at a time.

STS Electronic Recycling provides IT Asset Recovery Services in Tulsa, OK


Mail-in Recycling Locations

About STS Electronic Recycling

STS Electronic Recycling, Inc., an a EPA Compliant IT Asset Disposal Service Provider and Recycler based in Jacksonville, Texas, provides free computer, laptop and tablet recycling as well as computer liquidation and ITAD services to businesses across the United States. R2v3 Certified Electronics Recycler Profile


TIPS Coop Awarded Vendor Profile