Mail-in Recycling Made Simple with STS in the Heart of Chicago

Hey fellow Chicagoan, ever wonder what to do with all those old electronics collecting dust in your home? What if I told you that mail-in recycling is your eco-friendly knight in shining armor? Dive into the world of convenient recycling with me, and I'll show you how STS Electronic Recycling makes the process as breezy as a walk along Lake Michigan.

The Mail-in Recycling Revolution

Imagine a world where recycling is as easy as sending off an email. With mail-in recycling, that world is now. You can pack up your unwanted electronics and send them off to a better place, without ever leaving your Chicago home. This is your opportunity to give back to the earth and clear out some space, all in a simple step.

STS Electronic Recycling is all about making your life easier while helping you do your part for the environment. We specialize in turning your electronics into valuable resources again. Who says you can't be part of something great with minimal effort?

Eco-friendly Electronics Recycling at Your Fingertips

Electronics are tricky. Toss them in the trash, and they could harm the environment. Keep them, and soon you're living in your own personal tech museum. Enter the solution: electronics recycling. It's not just about being green – it's about making smart choices for a clean Chicago.

With STS Electronic Recycling, you can mail in phones, computers, and all sorts of gadgets. We handle them responsibly, ensuring they're broken down and reused, not piling up in some landfill. It’s a smart move for your space and our city.

Say Goodbye to Surplus Inventory

Got excess inventory from your Chicago business? Surplus inventory liquidation is here to save the day. Instead of losing value over time, those extra products can find new life elsewhere. It's a win-win for your business and the environment. Trust your friendly neighborhood recycling that surplus doesn't mean worthless with STS.

We help you clear the shelves responsibly and efficiently. Your extra stock turns into a new opportunity for someone else. And you get back storage space while doing right by Mother Nature. Not a bad deal, huh?

Asset Reporting for Peace of Mind

When you're handling recycling for a business, there's more to it than tossing items in a bin. You need to know where they're going and how they're being used. That's where asset reporting jumps in. With detailed tracking, you can confidently tell anyone that your retired assets are in good hands.

STS Electronic Recycling isn’t just about the environment. We're about transparency too. We keep you in the loop with comprehensive reports on your recycled goods. You'll always know your items are being given the attention they deserve.

Erase Data Safely with Data Wiping

Worried about your personal info on old electronics? Breathe easy. Data Wiping means your secrets stay safe. STS Electronic Recycling clears your data so thoroughly, not even Sherlock Holmes could find a trace. You get peace of mind, and the planet gets less waste – it’s as perfect as a deep-dish pizza from your favorite Chicago spot.

Deleting files isn't enough, but we've got the tools and skills to do it right. With complete data destruction, your mail-in recycling is secure. Now you can recycle without a second thought about your data's safety.

A Graceful Goodbye with End of Life Asset Management

Everything has an end, even your trusty electronics. But when they reach retirement age, don't just let them go gently into that good night. Opt for End of Life Asset Management. It’s like giving your devices one last hoorah before they bow out.

STS Electronic Recycling transforms your end-of-life electronics from a hassle into a resource. We handle the final details so you can focus on what's next. Chicago is bustling with life, and that includes making the most of everything, even the old gear.

Mail-in Recycling Near Me?

Yes! We provide Mail-in Recycling Services near you! Right here in the wind-swept city of Chicago, STS Electronic Recycling is standing by. No matter where you live in our grand city, our services are close at hand. You can count on us for convenient, environmentally responsible recycling.

No one knows Chicago like we do. Our team cherishes the city's deep-rooted commitment to sustainability. Here, every small step matters in keeping our hometown green, and mail-in recycling is a giant leap forward in that journey.

When it seems like tech is taking over your space, don't forget that even old gadgets can have a big impact. From Pick Pack Ship to secure recycling, STS Electronic Recycling is your go-to in Chicago. We're here to help your items find new purpose.

So what's stopping you? Get in touch with STS Electronic Recycling. Together, we can keep our city beautiful, our lives clutter-free, and do our part for earth. It's easy, responsible, and right at your fingertips.


Mail-in Recycling Locations

About STS Electronic Recycling

STS Electronic Recycling, Inc., an a EPA Compliant IT Asset Disposal Service Provider and Recycler based in Jacksonville, Texas, provides free computer, laptop and tablet recycling as well as computer liquidation and ITAD services to businesses across the United States. R2v3 Certified Electronics Recycler Profile


TIPS Coop Awarded Vendor Profile